Welcome to dentalCARE @ tanglin. The cornerstone of our practice is prevention. Our aim is to provide your oral health care in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. As our patients come from all over the world with different treatment approaches, we would like to acquaint you with our usual practice.
First Appointment
As we believe in comprehensive oral health care rather than crisis management, at your first visit, the following will usually be done:
- Comprehensive clinical examination of the mouth and teeth
- X-ray examination
- Scaling and polishing (commonly called cleaning)
If something is in need of urgent attention, instead of scaling and polishing, the urgent treatment will usually be performed. If further treatment is required, we will reserve another appointment for you.
If you have any queries regarding your treatment, no matter how trivial it may seem to you, please feel free to discuss them. With modern materials and techniques, many previously impossible demands can often be met. When the treatment plan is complex, we will normally discuss the treatment options and the approximate costs involved. Our fees for diagnostic services are displayed at the reception desk.
We realise that some may be worried about visiting the dentist for a variety of reasons. Please do not hesitate to talk to us about it. This will enable us to help you make your visit more enjoyable.
Appointment Scheduling
Appointments for dental treatment are carefully scheduled to so that you do not spend time unproductively awaiting your turn. This allows us to provide treatment for you in a relaxed, efficient manner.
We normally keep to your appointment time. However, from time to time, we may face unexpected complex treatment that could take longer than anticipated. Sometimes the earlier patient turns up late, and this has a snow-ball effect on our carefully planned schedule. We therefore, will appreciate you keeping to your appointment time.
If you cannot keep your appointment, please inform us at least 24 hours in advance, so that the time specially reserved for you may be released for someone else.
Preventive Recall Program
For most people, teeth should be for life! Hence, PREVENTION of dental caries (cavities) and gum disease is the cornerstone of our practice philosophy. We therefore run a preventive recall program.
The most common preventive recall period is 6 months, but this could vary, as we will tailor it to your individual need. In the off chance that you are not notified when your next preventive visit is due, please contact us for your appointment.
Payment of Fees
We accept cash, credit and debit cards. Our Practice Manager will be glad to assist you for claiming your dental treatment fees from your company, insurance, or national social security system.
Company Billing
If you want your company billed for your treatment, please provide us with your company's original letter of authorization.
Pre-approval of Treatment Fees
Kindly inform us before hand for social security or insurance payments, as some programs require prior authorization for certain treatment procedures in order for you to successfully claim reimbursement.
Receipt of Payment
Please ensure that you receive a receipt for all payments made.